A stronger city for us all.

About Us

We are a grassroots group of Houstonians advocating for safe streets, affordable housing, and livable communities. Our organization is a chapter of  a larger national advocacy organization, Strong Towns

“We’ve spent two generations transforming a public realm once comprised of walkable, mixed-use neighborhoods into auto-only zones. These are places where the kids used to play ball in the street. Today a kid can’t even play safely in their own front yard.”

-Charles Marohn, Founder of Strong Towns

Our Leadership





Frequent Questions

  • No.

    We are a non-partisan organization. We welcome members of all manner of political backgrounds.

  • Yes!

    We are always eager to work with other organizations that share our views regarding a specific iniative.

    These groups often consist of neighborhood associations and advocacy organization such as LINK Houston, Air Alliance Houston, Walk and Roll Houston, Stop TXDOT I-45, No Higher No Wider, I Love 11th Street, Bike Houston, Texan for Reasonable Solutions, and A Tale of Two Bridges.

  • No.

    Strong Towns Houston believes that cars, like buses, trains, bikes, etc are useful tool of transportation and have an important place in our transportation system.

    What we are against is the development pattern that elevates consideration for cars over the needs of people and all other modes of transportation.